As an SME, there may seem hundreds of varying accounting platforms to choose from each with differing features, every one boasting of better functionality. To say that this outlook can be bewildering would be a woeful understatement. Here we introduce you to the XERO accounting platform – cutting through the jargon and hard sell, to simply explain what XERO offers, who it’s right for and why you should always choose a certified XERO software advisor if you decide that this platform is right for you.
XERO is a cloud-powered accounting platform chosen by 700,000 users worldwide, spanning more than 180 countries. Businesses that use the XERO platform are home to staff bases that are coninually under pressure, where employees may adopt many roles outside of their own official title. In these businesses, real-time financial insight can be the difference between continual growth and a sales funnel that stalls. What’s more, as many of these companies lack their own dedicated accounts department, a platform such as XERO streamlines communications with the accountants outside of the business.
As accredited XERO software advisors, we understand the ways in which our clients can fully harness all that this innovative platform offers. But beyond this, our team offer human insight and guidance from years of experience.
As a multi-award winning firm, our team work with all manner of businesses from many industries, each of which benefit equally from all that XERO provides
– this includes those in advertising & marketing; garden & landscaping;
retail; support services; recruitment; charities and logistics.
Ready to hear about what XERO and our XERO expert advisers can do for you?, Then it maybe time that we talked.
As XERO partners, we know of every feature and function of this platform, and more to point, how they can empower the average SME. Put simply? We know
our stuff when it
comes to harnessing the XERO platform, and tailoring it to fit seamlessly with our clients’ businesses.